

Nine Won Uninteresting Contest Through Opponent's Errors.

The University baseball team defeated Andover baseball grounds yesterday afternoon in a close game by the score of 6 to 4.

The work of the University team was, on the whole, only fair. Considering the high wind, the fielding was steady and accurate. The batting, however, was uncertain, and the men seemed unable to place their hits safely. Castle was hit freely, especially by Clough, who made two two-base hits. Coburn, who followed Castle, was wild at first although he later pitched effectively.

Andover made one run in the first inning and three in the third by the timely hitting of Clough and Fels. Harvard scored once in the fourth inning and twice in the sixth. In the eighth inning, with the bases full, Payette fumbled Bradbury's fly allowing McCarty to score. The throw in was also fumbled and in the mix-up Spencer and Bradbury crossed the plate.

The score: HARVARD   a.b.  r.  b.h.  a.  e. Dexter, 2b.  5  1  1  2  2  0 Leonard, 3b.  4  0  0  1  1  0 Matthews, s.s.  5  2  3  1  4  1 Stephenson, c.  4  0  1  8  2  0 McCarty, 1b.  2  1  0  12  0  0 Spencer. r.f.  4  1  3  0  0  0 Schoenfuss, c.f.  4  1  0  0  2  0 Bradbury, l.f.  3  0  0  1  0  0 Castle, p.  2  0  0  0  2  0 Coburn, p.  1  0  0  1  2  0 Totals,  34  6  8  *26  15  1 ANDOVER.   a.b.  r.  b.h.  p.o.  a.  e. Schildmiller, l.f.  3  0  0  0  0  0 Clough, 1b.  4  2  3  12  1  0 Payette, c.f.  4  1  2  3  0  1 Reilly, 2b.  4  1  1  2  6  1 Fels, r.f.  3  0  1  3  1  0 Williams, 3b.  4  0  1  1  1  0 Cushman, s.s.  3  0  0  0  0  2 Jones, c.  4  0  0  5  2  0 Lanigan, p.  4  0  0  1  6  0 Totals,  33  4  8  27  14  4

Innings,  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 Harvard,  0  0  0  1  0  2  0  3  0--6 Andover,  1  0  3  0  0  0  0  0  0--4

Earned runs--Harvard 2, Andover 2. Two-base hits--Matthews, Clough 2. Stolen bases--Matthews, McCarty, Spencer, Reilly. Struck out--by Castle; Schildmiller, Williams, Jones; by Coburn; Payette, Williams, Jones, Lanigan; by Lanigan: Dexter, Matthews, Stephenson, McCarty, Schoenfuss. Bases on balls--by Coburn: Schildmiller, Fels, Cushman; by Lanigan: McCarty, Bradbury. Sacrifice hits--Leonard, Coburn. Left on bases--Harvard 5, Andover 5. Wild pitch--Lanigan. Time of game--2 h. 10 m. Umpire--A. Clarkson.


*Schildmiller was hit by a batted ball.
