Mr. Henry James, the author, will deliver a lecture upon "Balzac" next Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock in Sanders Theatre, under the auspices of Radcliffe College.
Mr. James was born in New York in 1843 and received his early education in France and Switzerland. He returned to American when he was 19 and attended the Law School for a year. In 1866 he commenced his literary career as a contributor to periodicals, but three years later went to England where he has since made his home, Mr. James is a brother of Professor William James M.'69. He is the author of "What Maizie Knew," "The Two Magics," "The Bostonians," and many other well known books.
Admission to the lecture will be by ticket until 3.55 o'clock, when the doors will be opened to the public. Members of the University may obtain tickets up-on applying to the Recorder, University 4. All other persons desiring tickets should apply by letter to Miss Agnes Irwin, Radcliffe College, enclosing a stamped and addressed envelope.
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