

For Two Years, With but Two Slight Amendments Concerning Eligibility.

Last autumn the Athletic Committee notified Yale that before renewing the dual agreement with them Harvard wished to submit some changes in the rules. In pursuance of the idea a subcommittee of the Athletic Committee, consisting of Professor A. c. Coolidge '87, T. N. Perkins '91 and L. M. Thornton '05, were appointed to submit to the Yale athletic officials two changes, corresponding to those parts of rule 5 of the Harvard Rules of Eligibility which concern trivial or merely technical violations of the rules, and students who have played on semi-professional baseball teams.

Yale readily accepted the proposed amendments and in both cases suggested the final wording of the changes. Several weeks ago the Athletic Committee formally accepted for the ensuing two years the dual agreement, which governs the athletic relations of the two universities, together with the above-mentioned changes, and last Saturday Yale formally adopted the same rules and amendments.

The first amendment, to be inserted at the end of Rule 6, which concerns the eligibility of students who have received money for athletics, is as follows:

"Any student who has played ball on any nine outside his college organization, must demonstrate to the Committee's satisfaction that he has lived up to the above provisions."

The second amendment to be inserted as Rule 9, reads as follows:


"Any trivial or merely technical violation of these rules shall be judged on its merits by the Committee at the University where the man is a candidate, and, the Committee at the other university being notified, the matter shall still be open for reference to the Arbitration Committee in case the other university so desires."
