
University Crews' 1 7-8 Miles Trail

Late Saturday afternoon the University crews took a trial row over the mile and seven-eighths course. They started together at the Union Boat Club and rowed upstream with the tide. The University crew pulled slowly away from the second, and at Harvard Bridge was a length ahead. From here it gained rapidly on its opponents, finishing at the Longwood Bridge five lengths in the lead. the crews covered the course in fairly good time. Owing to Montgomery's temporary absence, Chase was coxswain in the University crew, and Arnold in the second boat.

The orders:

First crew--Stroke, Shepard; 7, George; 6, Filley; 5, Lawson; 4, McLeod; 3, Flint; 2, Tappan; bow, Burchard; cox., Chase.

Second crew--Stroke, Pleasonton; 7, Gill; 6, Bacon; 5, Meier; 4, Farley; 3, Kellogg; 2, Corlett; bow, Lilly; cox., Arnold.
