
U. of P. Lost Lacrosse Game, 3 to 1

On Soldiers Field Saturday afternoon the University lacrosse team defeated the University of Pennsylvania in a loosely played game, its second in the Inter-University League series, by a score of 3 to 1. The victory of the Harvard team was due to a faster and more concerted attack and to the excellent goal-keeping of Hays. In the first half the game was fairly even. Smith shot two goals for Harvard, however, while the Pennsylvania team was unable to score.

In the second half Pennsylvania played a defensive game. Briner, the goal-keeper, repeatedly sent the ball far down the field in long underhand throws. The University attack, however, kept the ball in Pennsylvania's territory most of the time, and it was due only to inaccurate shooting and errors of judgment that Harvard scored but one goal during this half. Pennsylvania's only goal was made immediately after the University defense had been weakened by the temporary loss of the cover-point. Smith, Sayler and Wendell did the best playing for Harvard. For Pennsylvania, Sherwood and Craver played well.
