The CRIMSON is authorized to print the following letter:
Prof. A. C. Coolidge, Chairman, Harvard Athletic Committee.
Dear Sir:--As some questions have been raised as to my eligibility for the Harvard University baseball team, I hereby make the following statement:
I have never received, directly or indirectly, any money or other consideration for playing baseball or in any other sport. Answering specific points that have been made, I give my word that I played in the summers of 1901 and 1902 at Vinal Haven, Maine, but never received any compensation directly or indirectly. I played in the summer of 1903 on the Union Glee Club team of Rockland, Mass., and make the same statement as to this team. I played on Sept. 16 and 26, 1904, on the Walkover team at Brockton, Mass., and at no other times, and make the same statement as to these games and as to this club. In the newspaper account of these last two games I am put down under the name of Kelley. I did this with no thought of concealment on my part. I took Mr. Kelley's place almost at the last moment when he was unable to play, and although I am down as Kelley in the newspapers, I am not in the score book.
I hope that the above may settle all questions as to may eligibility. I shall be glad specifically to answer any other questions that may be raised. Respectfully yours, J. B. MAHAR.
May 11, 1905.
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