
Work of the Memorial Society

The Memorial Society is making arrangements to have a plan of the College Yard placed between the entrances of University Hall Professor W. S. Burke, Inspector of Grounds and Buildings, has been asked to give his advice in regard to placing the plan in this position and the Corporation will take definite action on this advice at its next meeting.

The plan, which is to be made on a foundation of granolithic stone, will be six feet square and raised about one foot above the ground. Each building will be represented by a bronze plate giving its name and the date of its construction. Brass lines will indicate the boundaries of the lots from which the present area of the Yard gradually grew until its completion in 1835, and within these lines the names of the lots and the dates of their acquisition will be indicated in bronze.

Work on the plan has already been begun. The bronze plates are being made by the Murdock Corporation and the concrete work by Simpson Brothers, Boston. It is tolerably certain that the plan will be in position by Class Day.

The Society has recently put up in each entry of Hollis Hall a framed copy of an extract from the records of the Corporation of January 13, 1764, giving an account of the dedication of the Hall on that date. Copies of this account, at 25 cents each, will be placed on sale at the Co-operative Society's store in a few days.
