

Begins Tomorrow.--Meeting of all Interested in Lower Massachusetts t 7.

The opening games of the Leiter cup series will be played tomorrow afternoon. Two diamonds on Soldiers Field, and a diamond on Norton's Field will be reserved for the exclusive use of the teams. Following are the game scheduled for tomorrow. Pullets vs. Indians; Squabs vs. Victorias; Fleas vs. Butterfingers.

A meeting for all men interested in the series will be held this evening at 7 o'clock in Lower Massachusetts. Coach Murphy and Captain Randall will explain the aim of the series and the way in which it is to be run.

Sixteen teams and 25 individual players, making a total of 250 players, have registered for the series. Teams will be divided into sections which will be announced tomorrow. Each team will play every other in its section, the winners of each section to enter the final round. The team winning the series will receive individual cups, and its members will have their names engraved on the Hale Chair and designate where it shall be placed. After the game are finished an All-Leiter nine will be picked to play the Second nine on May 22. From the result of this game the final choice of the Second nine will be made. The series will be managed by a committee composed of T. F. Murphy 1L., C. W. Randall '05, and L. M. Thornton '05.

Men who entered as individuals have been assigned to the following teams.

Pullets--A. D. Gring, G. A. Moore, C. V. Spare (captain), C. L. Furber, E. F. Zachritz, M. H. Y. Hackett, H. C. Slade, W. M. Washburn, W. A. Forbush, W. Fletcher, C. W. Wickersham, L. F. Gilbert.


Fleas--H. H. Bartlett (captain), W. H. Pollak, J. Prendergast, J. H. Watson, C. A. Russell, C. T. Ryder, G. M. Jones, R. A. Spare, A. S. Beale, F. T. James, H. W. Simpkins, N. R. Clark.

The complete schedule will be announced in tomorrow's CRIMSON.
