
Lacrosse with Graduates at 4

The University lacrosse team will play a practice game with a team of graduates on Soldiers Field at 4 o'clock this afternoon. In outdoor practice during the past two weeks the University team has developed considerable team play, and is in better condition than at this time last year. The graduate team includes some of the best players of former years. After the game the members of the University team will give the graduates a dinner in the Union. The line-up will be: UNIVERSITY TEAM.  GRADUATES. Hays, g.  g., McConaghy Ackerman, l.h.  p., Wynne M. '02 Smith, o.h.  c.p., Wood, captain '96 Sayler, la.  1d., Stevenson, captain '02 Adams, 2a.  2d., Tufts '04 Wendell, 3a.  3d., Fenwick M. '02 Bourne, c.  c., Bennett, captain '04 Pratt, 3d.  3a., Penhallow, captain '03 Rice, 2d.  2a., Taylor, captain '99 Summers, 1d.  1a., French '04 Bailey, c.p.  o.h., Hardy '01 Phillips, p.  l.h., Goddard 3L.
