The University Shooting Club has joined a league recently organized by the Boston. Gun Club, composed of the Waterdown Gun Club, the Lowell Red and Gun, Club, the Boston Gun Club, and the first and second teams of the Middlesex Sportsman's Club. Shoots for the championship of the league will be held, every second Saturday until May 27. Cups will be awarded to the members of the winning team, an individual prize to the man who makes the highest total score in all the shoots, and a special prize to the man who makes the lowest total score. The teams will be composed of five men, each of whom will shoot at fifty birds at a distance of sixteen yards, under Interstate Association rules.
The month's shoots for the Bancroft cup will be held on Friday, April 14, and Tuesday, April 18. The shoots next month will be held on May 16 and 19. The annual spring handicap shoot for the championship of the club will begin next Friday, and will be held on every subsequent Tuesday and, Friday until all scores are shot off. A prize gun will be awarded to the winner.
The schedule of the University Shooting team for the remainder of the season will be as follows:
April 15--Boston League shoot, at Wellington.
April 29.--Boston League Shoot, at Watertown.
May 6.--Shoot with Yale at Cambridge.
May 12.--Boston League Shoot, at Lowell.
May 20.--Intercollegiate shoot between Harvard. Yale. Princeton and Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia.
May 27.--Boston League shoot, at Cambridge.
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