The University lacrosse squad, numbering about 30 men, has been practicing dally on Soldiers Field under the direction of J. A. Sayler 3L. The work consists of passing the ball and shooting goals, and a game between two picked teams, special attention being paid to the development of swift team play. Since the squad has been outdoors the progress has been very rapid and the prospects for a strong team this spring are favorable.
A practice game with a team composed of graduates will probably be played in a few days. The first regular game of the season will be played with Johns Hopkins University, at Baltimore. on Saturday, April 15. The squad to be taken on the southern trip will not be chosen until the end of next week.
Under the direction of A. E. Goddard sL., who played on last year's University team, the Freshman squad has been practicing outdoors for about a week. Steady progress has been made in the elementary points of the game and from now on the men will be instructed in team play. The practice consists of stick work, goal shooting and a short line-up every afternoon. W. D. Hutchinson sp., the regular coach, will be unable to attend practice for a few days owing to an injury.
The upperclass squads are to be called out immediately after the spring recess and the interclass series will begin about a week after that time.
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