
Requirements for Promotion Changed

At a meeting of the Faculty yesterday afternoon the changes in the regulations regarding promotion, printed below, were adopted and will go into effect next year. These changes increase somewhat the requirements for promotion.

The following rule was added: "No student who in any academic year falls to pass in at least three courses, with a grade above D in at least one of these, will be re-admitted to College except by special vote of the Administrative Board, based on evidence of some satisfactory work accomplished in the interval or of illness or other exceptional circumstances."

The original rule on promotion, which read "In order to be promoted to a higher class at the end of any academic year a student must have satisfied the following requirements:' etc., was amended to read as follows: "In order to be promoted to a higher class a student must have attained in the preceding academic year a grade above D in at least two courses, and have satisfied the following requirements:

"For promotion to the Sophomore class he must have passed in College studies amounting to not less than three courses, in at least two of which his grade is above D.

"For promotion to the Junior class he must have passed in College studies amounting to not less than seven courses, in at least five of which his grade is above D. He must, moreover, have made up all, deficiencies in his admission record.


"For promotion to the Senior class he must have passed in College, studies amounting to not less than twelve courses, in at least eight of which his grade is above D."
