
Intercollegiate Basketball Meeting.

At a meeting of the Intercollegiate Basketball Association held last Saturday afternoon at Earl Hall, Columbia College New York, Harvard was provisionally reinstated in the league, and will become a member as soon as the Athletic Committee ratifies the conditions of entrance. If the University team becomes a member of the league it will be obliged to play at least one game with each of the five other colleges in the league in their own gymnasiums. This will necessitate at least three trips, one to Ithaca, one to Princeton and Philadelphia and one to New Haven and New York.

Columbia was formally awarded the intercollegiate basketball championship for the past season. The president of the league, H.C. Blackwell of Cornell was authorized to appoint a committee of seven, which will meet on Friday and Saturday, May 26 and 27. In Houston Hall, University of Pennsylvania, to formulate rules to govern intercollegiate basketball contests for next year. Among the changes recommended to the committee for consideration are the following: that the time of halves be lengthened from 20 to 25 minutes; that a more satisfactory penalty be devised for a foul committed while a person is shooting for a basket scored from the floor; and that the distance from which baskets on fouls may be thrown be in creased from 15 to 20 feet.

The election of officers of the association for next year was postponed until the fall meeting, which will probably be held at New York some time in October.
