Senior Class Photographs.
The following Seniors must make appointments with Tupper at once in order to have their photographs in the class album: H.F. Cutter, W.C. Dexter, W.T. Harrison, H.P. Johnson, H.G. Kellogg, S.L. Lewis, R.W. Lord, J.B. Marvin, G.R, Mitchell, J.O. Safford, L. Sargent, A.E. Small, M.S.M. Watts, R.B. Wheeler, C. de Young. All pictures for the album must be presented before the April recess. PHOTOGRAPH COMMITTEE
Baccalaureate Hymn
As only five Baccalaureate hymns have been submitted, the time for receiving them has been extended to next Saturday. Hymns must be sent to H.B. Webster, Stoughton 5 from whom information concerning them may be obtained. CLASS DAY COMMITTEE.
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