
Interscholastic Track Meet June 3

The twentieth annual track meet of the New England Interscholastic Athletic Association will be held in the Stadium on Saturday afternoon; June 3, at 2 o'clock, under the auspices of the University track team. Although a number of the members of Exeter's victorious team of last year will compete again, a close contest is expected, as several of the other schools in the Association are developing strong material.

Gold, silver and bronze medals will be awarded for first, second and third places, respectively, in each event, and the school winning the greatest number of points will obtain possession for a year of the two trophy cups offered by the Boston Athletic Association and Graduates of the University. First place will count five points, second three, and third one.

After the meet a reception will be held in the Living Room of the Union for all the competitors. Refreshments will be served and the prizes will be awarded.

Announcements will be sent Monday to the schools which are members of the Association, and entry blanks will be sent on Monday, May 15. Entries for any of the usual twelve events should be sent to W. G. Graves '06, 56 Mt. Auburn street, before 6 P. M., Wednesday, May 24.
