
Many Entries for Handicap Games

Three hundred and five entries have been made for the spring handicap track games which will be held next Monday, afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Stadium. This is an increase of two hundred over the number of entries last year. First and second prizes will be awarded in each event. The handicaps will not be announced until immediately before the games; but a full list of the events and entries will appear later in the CRIMSON.

The following officials have been appointed:

Marshal--W. F. Garcelon L.'95.

Referee--G. B. Morrison '83.

Judges at finish--H. S. Knowles 3L., F. W. Bird 2L., J. E. Haigh 2L., P. Dana 1L.


Starter--McGrath, Charlesbank Gymnasium.

Timers--S. M. Merrill '94, F. Wood, B. A. A., Coach J. H. Lathrop.

Field Judges--E. H. Clark '96, F. F. de Rham '05, J. S. Stone '05, D. R. Ayres '05.

Clerk of the Course--R. E. Sard '05.

Assistant Clerks of the Course--W. G. Graves '06, H. G. Beyer '06.

Scorer--N. Kelley '06.

Inspectors--N. W. Bingham '95, W. A. Colwell 4G., F. J. Sulloway '05.

Measurers--A. St. V. Carpenter '05, F. A. Goodhue '06, J. R. Hooper '06, D. R. Howe '06.

Announcer--W. Field '05.

If any of the men mentioned above cannot officiate, they are requested to notify W. G. Graves '06, 56 Mt. Auburn street, at once.
