
Association Football with Haverford

The University association football team will play a return game with Haverford this afternoon at Philadelphia. Since the team was defeated by Haverford on April 1, by the score of 1 to 0, the practice has been such as to give promise of a very close contest today.

The line-up: HARVARD.  HAVERFORD. Reggier, g.  g., H. Pearson Kldder, l.f.b.  r.f.b., Dickson Squires, r.f.b.  l.f.b., Lowry Mayer, l.h.b.  r.h.b., R. Pearson Brooks, c.h.b.  c.h.b., Pleasants Thackara, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Rossmaesller Noyes, l.o.f.  r.o.f., Brown Robinson, l.i.f.  r.i.f., Priestman Osborne, c.f.  c.f., Morris Gordon, r.i.f.  l.i.f., Spaeth Greene, r.o.f.  l.o.f., Tatnall
