
Greenleaf Estate for Radcliffe

The papers transferring to Radcliffe College from the Greenleaf heirs a large piece of land opposite the Radcliffe yard in Cambridge, facing Brattle street on one side and Ash street on the other, have been passed. The plot contains about 94,299 square feet, the price of which is $80,000. Radcliffe comes into immediate possession of about two-thirds of the estate, for which it pays $63,500, while it has a two-years' option on the remainder.

The fund being raised by the Radcliffe Auxiliary for the purchase of this land now amounts to some $67,000 out of the necessary $80,000, and it is hoped that the balance may be raised between now and Commencement, in the latter part of June when the woman's college will have completed its twenty-fifth year.
