
Graduates' Night of Pi Eta Play

The graduates' performance of the "Counterfeiter," the Pi Eta Society's new comic opera, was given last evening at the club theatre before an enthusiastic audience. The play went off with little hesitation, and, with more smoothness in the acting of the principal characters, should prove extremely successful. The characters are well conceived, and in general take advantage of many laughable situations. C. P. Whorf '05, who wrote the book and many of the lyrics, acted most naturally of any of the principals, and put a great deal of spirit and humor into his songs. T. A. Whidden '05, as Inspector Baggs, carried out his part cleverly and without exaggeration, and was unfailingly humorous. E. H. Baker '06, as Lord Coldstream, although too conventional in his acting and somewhat inconsistent in his accent, kept the audience thoroughly amused. S. Titcomb '06, as Lieutenant Storm, was conspicuous for his good voice.

The music, written by A. T. Davison, Jr., '06 and F. H. Grey '06, was in favorable contrast to the general flatness of the book. The first act dragged noticably, but the second was more original, in its burlesque of a customs inspection. The "Baggage-Smashers' Chorus," "Gossip" and "We're Engaged" were among the best of the songs. The solo dance by M. H. Green '05 was exceptionally graceful and attractive.

There will be public performances this evening in Winchester Town Hall and tomorrow evening in the Worcester Theatre. The Cambridge performances will be given after the recess, on the evenings of April 26 and 28 at the Pi Eta Theatre, and the Boston performances on the afternoon and evening of April 29.
