
Faculty Meeting

At a meeting of the Faculty last Tuesday it was voted to license for next year the following two courses of instruction: for the first half-year, Readings in German Philosophy, by P. A. Hutchison 4G.; assistant in philosophy; for the second half-year, Lectures on Abnormal Psychology by Dr. E. N. Bell. The Faculty was empowered to authorize yearly these Courses of Instruction by Doctors of Philosophy by a vote of the Corporation on January 11, 1897. These courses do not count towards a degree.

It was also voted to discontinue final honors in history and political science after 1907. On the recommendation of the division of Ancient Language however, it was decided to maintain final honors in the classics, since they represent more specialization than the degree with distinction. The present requirements for final honors in classics were amended as follows: "Candidates must offer themselves in at least five subjects including (1), (2), and (3) of the list of subjects given in the requirement: for the degree with distinction in classics. They must also have taken second year honors."
