The second trials to select the team to debate against Yale will be held this evening at 7 o'clock in the New Lecture Hall. The men retained at the first trials will speak on the question, "Resolved. That a commission be given power to fix railroad rates." Each man will be allowed ten minutes to speak on either side of the question, and six men will be retained to debate in the final trials next Wednesday. The order of speakers will be as follows: N. Wolfman 1G., F. Q. Morton '06, R. B. Walsh '05, A. C. Travis '05, M. Kabatchnick '06, A. C. Blagden '06, G. W. Putnam 2G., J. A. Harley '07, J. N. Clark 1L., A. W. Blackwood '05, C. Schenk 2L., A. M. Newald '06, G. W. Hinckley 2L., E. L. McIntyre 1L. To the speaker who does the best work in all three trials will be awarded the second Coolidge prize of $100.
The judges will be Professors I. L. Winter and G. P. Baker, Mr. R. LuV. Lyman, and Hon. A. P. Stone.
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