Since the calling out of candidates for the University baseball team two weeks ago, proactive has continued daily in the daily and Coach Murphy, assisted by Keeler and Chesbro of the New York American League team. The battery squad reports at 2.15, and the field squad at 2.30.
The practice has been satisfactory thus far and the man have given good promise of ability although it has been impossible to judge the quality of the outfield material. The candidates have been drilled in batting stopping ground balls, making double plays and, sliding to bases. In addition the battery candidates have received special coaching in their positions from Chesbro.
The field squad was reduced to 32 on Wednesday, and will be further cut down in about a week.
Practice for the Freshman baseball squad has been held daily in the Cage at 4 o'clock, except for the battery candidates, who have been working with the University battery squad. The program this far has consisted of drill in fielding easy grounders, followed by short runs around the Cage. The squad, which now consists of about 45 men, will probably be cut this week, shortly after the first battery practice.
L P. Pieper 2L., who has charge of the squad, has been assisted in the coaching by Captain Randall and Coach Murphy.
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