
Result of Novice Fencing.

In the open novice fencing tournament held by the Fencers Club in the Gymnasium last night, cups were awarded to the following men: first, M. H. Seaholm, Roxbury Latin School; second, G. A. Bliss '08; third, R. E. Gish '07. The judges were R. S. Earle 3L., W. MacLeod '05, A. Tyng '05, and H. Clapp 2Dn.

On Friday there will be a round robin tournament for scrub teams, each composed of one experienced fencer and tow new men, to be chosen by the captain of the University team. Cups are offered for the first three places.

The intercollegiate tournament will be held in the New York Athletic Club on March 24 and 25. Harvard, Yale, Pennsylvania, Columbia, Cornell, West Point, and Annapolis will be represented. The meet with Yale and Pennsylvania has been indefinitely postponed.
