The Shooting Club will hold the preliminary round of the series of shoots for scrub teams at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon on Soldiers Field. Six teams have entered, and the three winning today will shoot in the semi-final round, which will be held on Friday, March 10, Tuesday, March 14, and Friday, March 17. Each team will be composed of three men, each of whom will shoot at 50 birds, thrown at unknown angles from a Magau trap. The members of the winning team will receive silver cups.
The club has arranged the following schedule for the spring season:
March 11.--Birchbrook Gun Club
March 18.--Boston Gun Club.
March 25.--Watertown Gun Club.
April 8.--B. A. A., at Riverside.
April 15.--B. A. A.
April 29.--Yale.
May 6.--Intercollegiate shoot, at Philadelphia.
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