
"The Silent Woman" Well Received

The Harvard chapter of the Delta Upsilon Fraternity gave its first public performance of Ben Jonson's comedy "The Silent Woman," last evening in Brattle Hall before a large audience.

The production showed a marked improvement over its first performance on graduates' night, both in a better knowledge of the parts and in promptness of delivery and action, and was enthusiastically received. C. Kempner '06, as Truewit, the gay and debonair young knight, who was ever ready to scheme for the welfare of his friends and who dearly loved a joke, carried off his part with remarkable grace and vivacity. The part of Sir Amorous La-Foole, an affected and obsequious today, who had a great opinion of the La-Foole family and of everything which belonged to them, was admirably interpreted by A. M. Hurlin '06. His mock quarrel and reconciliation with Sir John Daw, the role played by H. P. Johnson '05, was one of the best bits of farcical acting in the play. F. A. Spencer '06, as Morose's nephow, lent dignity to a rather unimportant part by the clearness of his delivery. The part of Morose, the old "crank," who, wished to hear no sound but that of his own voice, was well acted by H. S. Deming '05, who put great feeling into his gestures and expression. P. T. Christie '07 showed good adaptability in changing suddenly from the silent woman to the garrulous shrew. A very amusing version of the minor part of Cutbeard, barber and sham lawyer, was rendered by F. B. Eaves '05.

The play will be repeated this evening at 8 o'clock in Potter Hall, Boston; next Friday evening in Brattle Hall, and on April 15 at Wellesley College. Tickets, at $1.50 and $1, may be had at Herrick's and at Thurston's, or from J. DeQ. Briggs, Wadsworth 5, until 6 o'clock on the day of the performance. After that time they will be on sale at the box office
