

At 7.30 in New Lecture Hall Between Juniors and Sophomores.

The Pasteur Medal debate, the final debate of the inter-class series, will be held between the Juniors and Sophomores at 7.30 o'clock this evening in the New Lecture Hall. Individual cups will be given to the members of the winning team by the University Debating Council, and the Pasteur Medal will be awarded to the best speaker.

The question, which was the subject of the Carnot Medal debate, held between Leland Stanford and the University of California in 1902, is: "Resolved, That the president of the French Republic should be elected by popular vote."

The two teams were selected at the final trials on Friday, March 10, and since that time have been debating regularly with the second teams. M. Thelen sL. has been coaching the Junior team, and H. LeB. Sampson L. '04 the Sophomores. The Junior team will support the affirmative, and will speak in the following order, both in their main and rebuttal speeches: J. W. Plaisted. A. N. Holcombe, J. A. Harley. H. A. Nye, alternate, who made the team at the final trials, was prevented from taking part in the debate on account of recent illness. The Sophomores will speak in the following order: W. H. Keeling, S. F. Peavey, M. C. Leckner; but in rebuttal Keeling will speak first, Leckner second, and Peavey last. W. H. Pollak is alternate.

The judges of the debate will be: Hon. G. Von L. Meyer '79, Mr. B. Perry, editor of the "Atlantic Monthly," and Mr. A. Brun, of the French Department. W. Tyng '05 will preside.

The debate will be open to the public, and no admission fee will be charged.
