The American Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, founded in 1894, was incorporated by act of Congress the first of this month. At a dinner given by the trustees of the Academy to the incorporators last Saturday, it was announced that $600,000 has already been contributed to the endowment fund by friends in Europe, and that $400,000 is expected from the United States. Major H. L. Higginson h.'91 contributed $100,000 on behalf of the University, and President Eliot, C. F. Adams '56 and Professor F. L. Olmsted '94 are named among the incorporators.
These measures assure the permanent existence of the institution, which was founded to give young Americans of talent in painting, sculpture, architecture and music the advantage of three years' study abroad, under the most favorable direction and surroundings. The course consists of two years' study in Rome and one year of travel in Italy, Sicily, Greece and other countries. The students of the Academy are chosen by competition from among those who have passed with honor through leading technical schools, or have been equally well qualified by private instruction or study.
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