
University Calendar

*Open to the Public. **Open to the University

Wednesday, March 29.

COMMENCEMENT PARTS. Seniors entitled, or likely to be entitled, to commencement parts, will meet Professor Briggs in Sever 11, at 3.30 P. M.

**SEMINARY OF ECONOMICS. "The Birth Rate and Death Rate of the United States," Professor W. F. Willcox, of Cornell University. University 23, 4.30 P. M.

**BOTANICAL CLUB. "Some Recently Discovered Fossil Seeds from the Stand-point of Evolution," (illustrated by lantern slides), Mr. A. H. Moore. Nash Lecture Room, University Museum, 4.45 P. M.

*CLASSICAL LECTURES. IV. "The Academies of Florence, Venice, Naples, and Rome," Dr. Sandys, of Cambridge, England. Fogg Lecture Room, 8 P. M.


**LECTURE. I. "The Short Story," Mr. Copeland. Sever 11, 8 P. M.
