
Mr. Lathrop with the Track Squad

J. G. Lathrop, who succeeds Mr. Graham as trainer of the track team, took charge of the squad yesterday. About 150 candidates for the team reported and more are expected out today.

Mr. Lathrop's method of training is to watch the men individually, with comparatively little emphasis on squad work. The coaching plan now is to give all except weight men short runs for a few days, and then to make a division into squads which will run so far as possible at regular times. Mr. W. F. Garcelon '95, graduate advisory coach, will give particular attention to the hurdlers two or three times a week and in a short time Mr. E. H. Clark '96 will coach the weight men daily.

On account of the large number of men who reported at the same time yesterday afternoon all men who can are requested to report for the present between 10.30 and 12.30 in the morning. All candidates except weight men should come out before 5 o'clock. Weight men should report if possible at 5. More men are needed, especially for the weight and field events.

A short meeting for all candidates will be held in the Union tomorrow at 7 o'clock. Mr. Lathrop will make a few important remarks. W. A. SCHICK.   R. E. SARD.
