
Junior Class Dinner at 7.30 o'clock

The Junior class dinner will be held this evening at 7.30 o'clock, in the Copley Square Hotel, Boston. An informal meeting will be held before the dinner at 7.15 o'clock. The dinner committee, composed of W. F. Emerson, A. N. Holcombe, F. A. Goodhue, J. M. Montgomery, W. A. Spencer, H. M. Wheeler, and A. L. Castle has arranged the dinner and to gether with the reception committee will have general charge of receiving and seating the men.

C. D. Morgan, who will act as toastmaster, will call for toasts as follows: "The Class." B. K. Stephenson; "Athletics," O. D. Filley; "The Press," N. Kelley; "The Musical Clubs," J. L. White; "Debating," A. N. Holcombe. The menu card has been designed by H. M. Turner. Music will be furnished by Kanrich's orchestra.

The dinner committee has decided to extend the time for purchasing tickets until noon today. They may be obtained at $1.90 each at Leavitt & Peirce's.
