
Junior Dinner Tomorrow Night

The Junior class dinner will be held tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock at the Copley Square Hotel, Boston. An informal meeting will be held before the dinner at 7.15 o'clock.

Toasts will be responded to as follows: "The Class," B. K. Stephenson; "Athletics," O. D. Filley; "The Press," N. Kelley; "The Musical Clubs," J. L. White; "Debating," A. N. Holcombe. C. D. Morgan will act as toastmaster.

Tickets, at $1.90 each, may be obtained until 10 o'clock this evening at Leavitt & Peirce's or from members of the dinner committee.

Every Junior is urged to attend the class dinner tomorrow night. As yet but few members of the class have obtained tickets. In order that there may be no difficulty in making arrangements, men intending to go should buy tickets at Leavitt & Peirce's or from some member of the committee as early as possible today.
