
First Lecture by Mr. Lythgoe

Mr. A. M. Lythgoe, Instructor in Egyptology, will give a lecture upon "The Excavation of Town-site of the 18th Dynasty, at Der el-Ballas" this evening at 8 o'clock in the Fogg Lecture Room. This will be the first of three lectures which Mr. Lythgoe will deliver upon the general subject, "The Excavations carried on by the Hearst Egyptian Expedition, 1899-1905." The other two lectures will be upon "The Cemeteries of Girga" on March 31, and "The Mastaba-tombs of the Pyramid-field of Gizeh," on April 7. All the lectures will be illustrated by stereopticon views showing the work accomplished by the Expedition.

Mr. Lythgoe graduated from the University in 1892 and five years later received the degree of A.M. In 1899 he went to Egypt with the Hearst Expedition, which is under the supervision of the University of California, remaining there until last summer. In addition to conduction courses in the University he is in charge of the Egyptian Department of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

The lectures will be open to the public.
