
The Week in University Baseball.

The progress of the University baseball squad during the past week has been on the whole unsatisfactory, the practice yesterday afternoon showing little or no improvement over the work of a week ago. The fielding squad was cut yesterday to sixteen men and four battery candidates were dropped. Another cut will be made in the battery squad next week.

The fielders, although at time brilliant, are erratic, the men failing to get in front of the ball properly. In throwing to bases improvement has been shown both in speed and accuracy. The work of the catchers is careless and very unsatisfactory. Although they hold the ball fairly well, they are slow in stepping out from behind the batter on a throw to bases. A number of the pitchers have developed excellent speed but have not as yet gained good control. The batting of the whole squad has fallen off, owing to a tendency to offer at bad balls and to strike too hard.

Soldiers Field at present is in very poor condition but with favorable weather it should be dry enough to allow the outfielders to practice by the middle of next week and the infielders by the latter part of the week.

Chesbro, who has been coaching the pitchers for the past month, leaves today for Nashville to join the New York American League team on its southern trip.

The training table will be started at the Union Monday morning with the following eleven men: C. W. Randall '05, W. F. Bradbury '06. P. N. Coburn 2L., H. Greenough '05, H. D. Kernan '05, C. R. Egonard '08, a. E. McCarty '07, W. C. Matthews '05, F. H. Schoenfuss '05, B. K. Stephenson '06, and B. T. Stephenson '08.
