
W. S. Sugden '03

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Subscriptions should be entirely dispensed with. They are neither fair to the various teams nor to members of the University. It is the experience of all managers that Freshmen contribute the most to all sports, besides supporting their class teams and crew. The amount decreases with each class, Seniors contributing comparatively little.

If the income from athletics is insufficient to meet necessary expenses of all our teams, it would be better to raise slightly the price of the H. A. A. ticket and so distribute the expense over all the classes as well as the various departments of the University.

All teams recognized by the Committee should have reasonable support. The basis should be the number of men actively engaged in the sport and not the gate receipts or the amount of subscriptions of which the latter depends largely upon the time the collectors get out and their ability to talk men into giving. The minor teams appeal to a large number of men and furnish physical benefit to many who are no table to go out for the major sports. W. S. SUGDEN '03.
