
University Calendar.

**Open to the Public. **Open to the University

Friday, March 24.

LECTURES ON LATIN TEACHING IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. III. "Second Year Latin," Professor C. P. Parker. Lawrence 6, 3.30 P. M. Open to members of Harvard University and of Radcliffe College, and to teachers of Latin.

**CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. "The Democracy of the Ancient Hebrews," Dr. Lyman Abbott. Shepard Room, Phillips Brooks House, 7.30 P. M.

*DIVINITY SCHOOL. Devotional Service with Sermon. Mr. G. A. Barrow. Divinity Chapel, 7.30 P. M.

*CLASSICAL LECTURES. I. "The Age of Discoveries," Dr. Sandys, of Cambridge, England. Lecture Room of the Fogg Museum, 8 P. M.
