
E. Spalding '00.

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

As regards permanent policies of financing, the circumstances it seems to me must largely govern the situation.

As to continuing undergraduates subscription, I think it is only fair that the undergraduates should contribute. I do not believed it is possible to lay down a hard and fast rule as to the support of the minor teams; but each case should be dealt with on its merits, and where it is evidently a sport, that though small in some ways, is enjoyed by a large number of men, some help should be given by the Athletic Association although I feel the Committee is right in urging the smaller teams to be self-supporting.

I am not in position to judge as to the expediency of increasing the price of the tickets. If, as you say, the debt is being extinguished at the rate of $20,000 a year, it seems to me that the conditions would hardly warrant raising the price of the tickets. ELIOT SPALDING.
