At a meeting of the Geological Conference last night three excursions, to be conducted during the April recess, were announced.
Professor W. M. Davis will lead a party to Syracuse, New York, during the first three days of the recess, to inspect the glacial marginal channels known as the "Ancient Niagaras."
Professor J. B. Woodworth will conduct a party to visit Joggin's Section, near the head of the Bay of Fundy, in Nova Scotia. This party will leave Boston on April 14 and will return before the end of the recess.
Under the direction of Mr. P. S. Smith a visit will be made to Martha's Vineyard in the early part of the vacation to study the Gay Head section of mesozoic and tertiary strata, including stream diversions of the interglacial age. This trip will give an opportunity to collect fossils and lignites.
The excursions are open to all students in the University. Men wishing to go are requested to send word to the respective leaders as soon as possible.
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