
Teachers' Association Meeting.

The Harvard Teachers' Association held its fourteenth annual meeting in the New Lecture Hall last Saturday morning. Addresses were made by S. D. Brooks, supervisor of the Boston public schools, and by C. H. Morss '80, superintendent of schools in Medford, on the general subject "The Extension of High School Influence over the Last Six Years of Secondary School Work."

Mr. Brooks spoke on the "Advantages of Extension," and Mr. Morss on the "Practicability of Extension." In the informal discussion which followed the addresses the following took part: Dr. H. P. Amen '79, of Phillips Exeter Academy; G. T. Aldrich, superintendent of the Brookline public schools; E. C. Adams, principal of the Newton High School, and Dr. Pearson of Sheffield, England.

The following officers were re-elected for the ensuing year: president, E. H. Nichols '78; vice-presidents, F. H. Beede and G. D. Cushing '85; secretary, Professor P. H. Hanus; treasurer, O. B. Oakman '87.

About 80 members attended the annual dinner of the association, which was held in the Assembly Room of the Union at 1.15 o'clock. The after-dinner topic, "The Trafisition from the School to the College," was discussed by President Pritchett, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and by Dean Hurlbut.
