[We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest. The CRIMSON is not, however, responsible for the sentiments expressed in such communications as may be printed.]
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
There is need of a more explicit statement than has yet appeared in regard to the methods of conducting the entertainment troupes sent out by the Social Service Committee. About one hundred men have volunteered their services, but many more are needed, who would doubtless hand in their names if acquainted with the exact nature of the work.
The entertainments are furnished upon application to a large number of charitable institutions and churches doing philanthropic work in and about Boston. Each entertainment is in charge of a member of the committee, who communicates with men who have volunteered, securing from these a troupe of from three to ten for the occasion. The entertainments, being generally before audiences of working-people, are very informal, and the programs are seldom arranged in advance. These programs consist mainly of musical numbers, reading, and sometimes sleight-of-hand. Evening dress is never required. Men are called upon for service for week-day evenings only, on an average of twice a month. Car-fares and other expenses are paid by institutions for which the entertainments are furnished.
More men from the University are urged to volunteer their services in accordance with the notice printed today.
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