
Swimming with Brown in Providence.

The University swimming team will hold a dual meet of six events with Brown this evening at Providence. Although this is the first competition entered by the University team, a hard contest is not expected, as the Brown team was easily defeated by Yale three weeks ago.

The members of the University team are entered in the various events as follows:

50-yard dash-E. George 1G., D. C. Noyes '07.

100-yard dash-J. V. Quinlan '07, E. Farley '07.

Plunge-E. H. Sherburne '05, J. Cunniff '07.


Diving-H. P. Pratt '05, R. K. Tomlin '07, J. T. Hill '08.

Water-polo team-Forwards: E. Farley '07, O. N. Shepard '06, E. George 1G.; backs: J. Cunniff '07, E. H. Sherburne '05, P. W. L. Cox '06; substitute: T. S. Farrelly '06.

Relay team-E. George 1G., J. V. Quinlan '07, D. C. Noyes '07, E. Farley '07; substitute: R. R. Hellmann '05.
