
Lecture by Miss Webster at 8.

This evening at 8 o'clock in the Fogg Lecture Room, Miss Mary Phillips Webster will give a concert-lecture on "Music in England in Shakespeare's Time," for the benefit of the Radcliffe musical scholarship fund. Miss Webster will be assisted as follows: voices-Miss Edith E. Torrey, Miss Rosetta Key, Mrs. May Sleeper Ruggles, Mr. Paul Welsch, Mr. Alfred Denghausen; violins-Miss Goodwin, G. R. Jones '05, L. Mayer '05, viola-Mr. H. I. Tinkham; 'cello-Mr. Denghausen. An old English harpsichord will be used for solos and accompaniments.

Programs and tickets may be obtained at Sever's or at the door for $1 each, or two tickets for $1.50.

Following is the program which is to illustrate Miss Webster's remarks:

I. Madigrals. (1) John Benet-"All Creatures now are Merry Minded": from "The Triumphs of Oriana" (1601); (2) John Wilbye-"Flora gave me Fairest Flowers."

Five Voices.


II. Ayres. (1) Thomas Ford-"There is a Ladie Sweet and Kind": from "Musicke of Sundrie Kindes" (1607); (2) John Dowland-"Awake, Sweet Love": from "Booke of Songes or Ayres" (1597).

Four Voices.

III. Song for treble. (1) "O Death, Rock me Asleep." (2) "Have you seen but a whyte Lillie grow?" (1614).

Miss Edith Torrey.

IV. Virginal Music. (1) William Byrd-(a) "Calino Casturame," (b) "La Volta"; (2) Peter Phillips-"Galiarda Dolorosa" (all from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book).

Miss Mary Phillips Webster.

V. Song for alto voyce and vyols. William Byrd-Lullaby: "My Little Sweet Darling."

Mrs. May Sleeper Ruggles and stringed instruments.

VI. Ayres in a masque. (In honor of the marriage of Lord Hayes, 1607). (1) Thomas Campion-"How hath Flora robb'd her bow'rs."

Miss Rosetta Key.

(2) Thomas Campion-"Move now with measur'd sound"; (3) Lupo-"Shows and Nightly Revels"; (4) T. Giles-"Triumphs now with joy and mirth."

Mr. Alfred Denghausen.

(5) Lupo-"Time that leads the fatal Round."

Miss Rosetta Key.

VII. Ayres or phantasticke spirits. Thomas Weelkes-"Some Men desire Spouses. No. No. Though I shrink Still, the Nightingale."

Three Voices.
