
Policy of Religious Union Changed.

At a recent meeting of the executive committee of the Religious Union it was decided to undertake a course for the serious study of the basis of modern liberal religious thought. In accordance with this purpose, the president, J. H. Lathrop '05, was directed to conduct a class for the study of the "Development of the Messianic Idea in the Old Testament" in the light of modern Biblical criticism with a view to the relation of the idea of Christ. Through such study it is purposed to demonstrate the basis of the so-called liberal theology as against the traditional theology. There are many men who, while not able to find themselves in the older systems, are not clear as to the developments and investigations in sacred literature and history which have led to the liberal point of view.

The Religious Union purposes to help such men to an understanding of the foundations of the liberal position and to give them an insight into its teachings.

All men in the University to whom such matters are of concern are invited to the rooms of the Religious Union in Phillips Brooks House next Monday evening at 7 o'clock when the class will begin its study.

The election of officers for the year will take place at this meeting, and all members of the Union are urged to be present.
