
Association Football Game at 3.

The association football team will play its second game of the season with Fort Warren this afternoon at 3 o'clock on Soldiers Field.

The University team had its first outdoor practice yesterday afternoon, and many of the men are new and inexperienced. The Fort Warren team is experienced, and is expected to play a strong game.

The line-up: HARVARD.  FORT WARREN. Shurtleff, Story, g.  g., Ersfelz MacLaurin, l.f.b.  r.h.b., Smith Dexter, r.f.b.  l.f.b., Herd Thackara, l.h.b.  r.h.b., McManara Brooks c.h.b.,  c.h.b., Amesch Squires, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Burns Mayer, l.o.f.  r.o.f., Tovin Noyes, l.i.f.  r.i.f., Perry Osborne, c.f.  c.f., Powers Gordon, r.i.f.  l.i.f. Fay Greene, r.o.f.  l.o.f., Dougherty

Admission tickets, at 25 cents, are on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's.
