
Lectures on the U. S. Census of 1900.

Under the auspices of the Department of Economics, Professor Walter Francis Willcox, dean of the college of arts and sciences and professor of political economy and statistics in Cornell University, will give three lectures in the last week of this month on some results of the United States census of 1900.

Professor Willcox is a graduate of Amherst College, Columbia University Law School, and the Columbia School of Political Science. He has been a member of the faculty of Cornell University since 1891. In 1901-02 he had a leave of absence from Cornell to be statistical expert of the twelfth census. He was employed by the War Department in the same capacity on the censuses of Cuba and Porto Rico.

The subjects of the three lectures will be "The Population of the United States," "Some Statistical Aspects of the Negro Problem," and "The Birth Rate and Death Rate of the United States."

These lectures will be open to the public.
