

What the College Man Can Do Towards Bettering Municipal Government.

Hon. Seth Low. LL.D., spoke last evening in the Fogg Lecture Room under the auspices of the Political Club, on "The College Man's Influence in City Politics."

The college man, Mr. Low said, must guard against certain attitudes of mind. He must not be indifferent, for indifference accomplishes nothing; he must not be continually critical, for destructive criticism destroys influence; he must not think himself superior to the man who has not had a college education, for in politics a man must be democratic; and lastly, he must be confident in the strength of the government he is to serve.

There is a tendency among college men, continued Mr. Low, to consider universal suffrage, though inevitable, wrong. This stand he proved was false by many illustrations from his experience in Brooklyn and New York. Universal suffrage is beneficial for a body politic because feeling voters are as necessary as thinking voters; it secures the consent of the governed, and it is a force in the elevation of a people.

Mr. Low then discussed what college men could contribute towards good government. They should bring, he said, historical knowledge to solve present problems with the aid of past experiences, high standards and ideals whether in office or out of office, and truth to aid in purifying politics. They could exert the most influence if they joined a party and remained loyal to it when they could, and silent when they could not, as many Decomrats did during Mr. Bryan's first campaign and many Republicans during Mr. Cleveland's first campaign for governor of New York.

As an illustration of how college men get into politics, Mr. Low told his own experience in Brooklyn. He saw corruption in the registration laws and proceeded to urge the people to better them. He took an active interest in politics, and before long he was actively in politics--a field, he said, where college men could best serve their fellow-men.
