
Freshman Rowing.

The candidates for the Freshman crew will commence rowing on the machines in the University boathouse today. The practice up to date has consisted in running, floor exercises and pulling chest weights.

C. Wiggins '08 has been appointed temporary captain and O. D. Filley '06, Wray and Vail will coach the squad. M. R. Brownell 3L. has been forced to give up charge on account of the pressure of Law School work.

The 69 men now practicing regularly have been classified in six squads, from which three squads, one to be under each coach, will be gradually selected. The first cut will be made in about two weeks, and the final selection of the crew at the time of the class races, about May 23.

Until further notice the six squads will report dressed to row as follows:

3.30 o'clock--Cunningham, Ball, Richardson, Tilton, Mason, Whitney, Fish, Morgan, Despard, Kidder, Fahnestock, Boyer.


3.45 o'clock--Parke, Harding, Lowell, Pulitzer, Risley, Edwards, Hadden, Kittredge, Moore, Ervin, Bird, Hinkle.

4 o'clock--Payson, Bliss, Parker, Plumb, Hay, Coddington, Hooper, Fleming, Wood, Eliot, Burditt, Hall.

4.15 o'clock--Howe, Claflin, Bement, Butler, Abeles, Dana, Appleton, King, Lewis, Morrill, Ritchie, Woodman.

4.30 o'clock--Robbins, Phillips, Pell, Gilder, Grant, Fargo, Whidden, Tubby, Dewey, Short, Knowlton.

4.45 o'clock--McVickar, Swain, Miller, Burrage, Comstock, Mixter, Hyde, Gould, Glass, Warren.

All other candidates should report at the boathouse this afternoon with one of the above squads.
