
I. C. A. A. A. A. MEETING.

Intercollegiate Meet at Philadelphia Instead of at Cambridge.

The thirtieth annual convention of the intercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association of America was held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, on Saturday.

The most important action was the decision to hold the annual intercollegiate track meet at Franklin Field, Philadelphia, on May 26 and 27. This vote was contrary to the action taken by the executive committee at its meeting on January 21, but as no objection was raised in the convention, the motion was carried without opposition, it having been previously decided at a meeting of the executive committee on Friday night that the meet should again be held in Philadelphia.

A new design for the association medals was adopted, but the applications for membership from Brown and Dartmouth were laid on the table

The convention elected the following officers for the ensuing year: president, W. N. Stillman, Yale; secretary, H. Fitzpatrick, New York University; treasurer, J. C. Mottes, Princeton; executive committee-R. E. Sard '05; L. R. Merritt, Columbia; J. M. Carter, Pennsylvania; S. H. Ehrich, Cornell.

The executive committee elected G. T. Kirby, Columbia, chairman, and T. Gerrish '01 a member of the advisory committee.


The following universities and colleges were represented at the convention: Harvard, Yale, Pennsylvania, Princeton, Columbia, Cornell, Colgate, College of the City of New York, Fordham, Haverford, Johns Hopkins, New York University, Stevens, Swarthmore, Syracuse.

R. E. Sard '05 represented the University.
