
Ibsen Recital Friday Evening.

Mr. Ole Bang, a Norwegian dramatist, will render several scenes fromg Ibsen's "Peer Gynt" in Sanders Theatre next Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Mr. Bang will recite the scenes in Norwegian, preceding the recitation by interpretory remarks in English. A translation of the parts rendered will be distributed among the audience.

Selections from Edouard Grieg's music will be interspersed among the recitations, and several Norwegian folk-songs will be sung.

The musicians will be Miss Olivia Dahl, soprano; Miss Olga Lychke, planist; and Mr. Nicolai Sokolof, violinist.

The place of the entertainment was announced as the Fogg Lecture Room, but it has been changed to Sanders Theatre, in order to accommodate a larger audience. A limited number of tickets will be placed in the office of the Union tomorrow at 12 o'clock, and may be obtained on application; but only one ticket will be given to each man. Nonmembers of the Union may apply before Wednesday night (enclosing addressed stamped envelope) to Professor W. H. Schofield, Claverly 23.
