
Plans for Washington Trip.

At the mass meeting held last evening under the auspices of the Republican Club the following final arrangements for the trip to Washington for the inauguration were announced:

Round trip tickets will be placed on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Until Thursday the sale will be open only to those who have already signed the blue-book; thereafter the sale will be open to all past and present members of the University. Men desiring to secure tickets for the Inaugural Ball should communicate at once with W. B. Flint 1L., 55 Trowbridge street. Red caps and gowns must be worn by all men who enter the parade. This costume may be obtained for $1.00 by notifying H. W. Wheeler, Thayer 36, before Saturday.

The College office will excuse the absences of all men not on probation who sign the blue-book at Leavitt & Peirce's when they secure their tickets.
