
Class Secretaries' Dinner Last Night.

At the fifth annual meeting and dinner of the Association of Harvard College Class Secretaries held last night in the Training Table Room of the Union J. Woodbury '80 was elected president for the ensuing year and A. J. Garceau '91, secretary. H. M. Williams '85 was elected to the executive committee. After a short speech by W. R. Thayer '81 on the good work which it was possible for class secretaries to do as an organization, J. Woodbury '80, chairman of a committee on class reports, pointed out the necessity of having the class secretaries make their reports more uniform in character and substance. A discussion followed as to the advisability of having the class secretaries, with the permission of their class committees, contribute to the fund of the Alumni Association. The expediency of having a part of the class funds returned to the Union was also discussed. No action was taken on either suggestion, however.

Major H. L. Higginson h.'82, W. R. Thayer '81, editor of the Graduates' Magazine, and S. N. Hinckley '05 were present as guests of the association.
